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If you want to enclose an open area but you do not have enough money to construct cemented walls all around it, the best way to do that would be to go for Chain Link Fence Installation. The good think about the chain link fence over the solid fence is that people can see through it, however, they would not be allowed to enter the premises without permission. A complete guide on installing the chain link fence around an area has been presented as under:
Check the prerequisites
There are some prerequisites for the installation of chain link fence. So, make sure that you have checked them all before starting. It might be the case that you need to create permits from the state government or the authorities. If such is a case in your region too, obtain the permits well before starting. You need to know about your property lines adequately. Installing a chain link fence over some other’s property is not at all acceptable. In case your neighborhood has any kind of covenant, go through it completely.
Decide the Layout of the Fence
Once you have checked all the prerequisites, the next step would be to mark the layout of the fence. Remember, you need to build it in your area, hence, make sure that the lines are properly in your area only. Mark all the locations where terminal posts would be there and once you are done, calculate the length of the fence that you would need. This would give you a rough idea of how much you need to buy and how much it would cost you.
Install Terminal Posts
First of all, you would have to install the terminal posts so that you can then install the entire fence according to them. Remember to check the dimensions properly and leave some space for gravel too. Plumbing and securing the post after installing it is also very important. Hence, make sure you do it carefully.
Mark the Line Posts
The next step would be to mark the line posts. You can use a string for the purpose, just run it between either of the terminal posts and mark the line you get.
Installing the Line Posts
After marking, you would also need to install the line posts. Dig the ground properly and keep the sides a little bit slopping. After installing these too, make sure that you secure them by filing the holes with concrete.
Add the Caps
Your posts would certainly look incomplete without the caps installed on them. Hence, in the next step, you need to add the caps to the posts. Make sure that you tighten the bolts firmly so that they do not get opened up suddenly later on.
Install Top Rail
Top rail is something that should be installed in the end. Once you have done everything, install it carefully. Make sure to pass all the loop caps and the ends of the top rail should go inside the caps of terminal rails. In this case also, the nuts and bolts should be tightened carefully and firmly.
Hang Fence Mesh
The next step that you need to follow is to hang fence mesh. To do this, first of all you need to slide the tension bar at the starting end of the roll of mesh and then bolt it to the tension bands of various terminals. Start unrolling it then and when it is complete, you need to cut down the extra mesh that keeps hanging on to it.
Stretch the Link
Stretching the link is important so that it looks good and the fence does not sag in the long run. You can do it with your own hands and the extra mesh that comes out should be cut down using a scissors.
Tie it upThe last step would be to tie up the mesh to the rails, you can do it with the help of an aluminium wire. Make sure that there are enough spaces between the rails and the posts before you tie it up. Ideally, there should be a gap of at least 24 inches on both the sides.